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The final stage of your home repair, reconstruction or replacement includes the closeout and completion of your construction project, as well as finishing up any other necessary program processes.

Once construction is complete, the general contractor (or, if applicable, manufactured home dealer) will conduct a final inspection with you and a ReBuild NC inspector to ensure all work outlined in your grant agreement is complete and that all codes and standards are met.

The program will also conduct a closeout review of your file to re-verify all assistance you have received and confirm that you are compliant with ownership and occupancy requirements. During this review, the program will reconcile all true costs of construction and any assistance provided in an amended Homeowner Grant Agreement.  You will be required to sign this document before your application is closed and the project considered complete.

Please keep in mind that you are required to maintain ownership of your home and occupy your home as your primary residence until you are closed out of the Homeowner Recovery Program. These requirements will also be outlined in your Homeowner Grant Agreement.

The program will confirm that homeowners living in a Special Flood Hazard Area provide proof of flood insurance for a period of at least one year from the time of program completion.

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