Barbara Goodman


Salemburg, NC - When Hurricane Matthew moved through Sampson County, Barbara Goodman had to leave her home of 60 years and move to higher ground. 

“The rain was so heavy,” Goodman recalled.“ We were planning to ride it out until the fire department came and told us we had to evacuate.” 

Goodman and her granddaughter gathered their things and went to a safe location to wait for the storm to pass. When they returned, Goodman couldn’t believe her eyes. 

“It was terrible,” Goodman said. “A tree went right through the bedroom window. There was debris and water damage everywhere.” 

Goodman couldn’t afford repairs, so she and her granddaughter lived in the damaged home until she saw a flyer for the Homeowner Recovery Program at church and decided to apply. 

Barbara Goodman's home.

Goodman says she can still remember how it felt to get the phone call telling her she qualified for a new home. 

“I jumped up and down,” Goodman said. “I was just like, ‘Thank you, Jesus!’” 

Goodman and her granddaughter moved into their new home in September 2023. 

“I thank God for this new home,” Goodman said. “I am so blessed. I don't have to live in a damaged home anymore. I’m just so grateful to be home.”