Betty Boyd standing on porch.

Betty Boyd
Rowland, NC

Rowland, NC – Betty Boyd has survived her share of storms, including hurricanes Hazel and Andrew. But Hurricane Matthew was different. “I can’t say I’ve ever been through a storm quite like that,” says Boyd.

Although Matthew felled trees in her yard, none hit her house. For Boyd, the biggest problem came after the winds and rain were gone. Mold and mildew grew throughout her home, yet she struggled to get funding for repairs.

Then a friend recommended she attend a ReBuild NC meeting. There, she added her name to a list of people who were interested in learning more. A ReBuild NC representative called Boyd, and she started the application process. It was determined that her house would need a full reconstruction. In June 2019, a contractor assigned by ReBuild NC began the work; in October, Boyd moved into a brand-new home.

“At first, I was saddened,” Boyd says, of watching her old house being torn down. “A lot of fond memories. But after they removed the debris, I got to watch each step− the digging and then the foundation. My contractor took the time to answer questions through every phase.”

Boyd recognizes the impact ReBuild NC has had on her life. “I can’t put it into one word. It goes beyond grateful. I just feel good,” Boyd says. “When I wake up in the morning, I can’t even put my feet on the floor without saying thank you for this experience.”

This feeling inspires Boyd to encourage others to learn about ReBuild NC for themselves. “I try to spread the word as much as possible to anyone who asks me,” she says. Because as she knows so well, “there’s no place like home.”

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