The North Carolina Resilient Communities Planning Guide is a suite of resources to help local leaders, especially local governments, plan for a more resilient future in their communities. The guide contains two volumes: the Playbook and Idea Book, which can be used separately or together. Other content sections support the full guide.
Guide Sections
Browse through the sections below and click to access the individual sections. You can also download the complete NC Resilient Communities Planning Guide.
Volume 1 – Playbook
The Playbook is a step-by-step guide to walk you through the stages of resilience planning — from gathering people and information needed to assessing the challenges your community is facing and creating a plan of actions to protect your community.
Playbook Sections
Browse through the sections below and click to access the individual sections. You can also download the full Playbook.
- Finding your way around the Playbook (PDF)
- Phase 01: Prepare (PDF)
- Phase 02: Assess (PDF)
- Phase 03: Plan (PDF)
- Phase 04: Implement (PDF)
- Appendix A: Potential Partners (PDF)
- Appendix B: Public Participation Supplement (PDF)
- Appendix C: Templates (PDF)
- Playbook Resources (PDF)
Volume 2 – Idea Book
The Idea Book provides specific resilience actions and case studies primarily from North Carolina. It covers fourteen diverse subject areas, ranging from economic (Topic 1: Business and Local Economy) to social (Topic 9: Housing) to environmental (Topic 14: Stormwater Management and Flooding). The Idea Book is intended to inspire local leaders about the possibilities for their community and demonstrate concrete pathways to achieving greater resilience.
Idea Book Sections
Browse through the sections below and click to access the individual sections. You can also download the full Idea Book.
- Finding your way around the Idea Book (PDF)
- Topic 1: Business and Local Economy (PDF)
- Topic 2: Coastal Management (PDF)
- Topic 3: Collaboration (PDF)
- Topic 4: Communication and Education (PDF)
- Topic 5: Ecosystem Protection, Restoration and Enhancement (PDF)
- Topic 6: Energy and Utilities (PDF)
- Topic 7: Equity and Justice (PDF)
- Topic 8: Funding and Technical Assistance Mechanisms (PDF)
- Topic 9: Housing (PDF)
- Topic 10: Infrastructure and Capital Investment (PDF)
- Topic 11: Land Use and Development (PDF)
- Topic 12: Planning and Decision-Making Frameworks (PDF)
- Topic 13: Public Health (PDF)
- Topic 14: Stormwater Management and Flooding (PDF)
If you have questions about the content in the NC Resilient Communities Planning Guide, please email
Past Webinars
- Anne Lowry, Environmental Health Director, Chatham County
- Bruce Naegelen, Community Economic Development Planner, NC Department of Commerce
- Grace Lawrence, Community Economic Development Planner, NC Department of Commerce
- Sandy Cross, Senior Planner, Town of Duck