Kelley Clark outside her home.

Kelley Clark
Fayetteville, NC

Fayetteville, NC – Kelley Clark is a doer. After Hurricane Matthew sent four feet of water through her house, she got her family to safety. When she returned home two months later, she started making repairs. “I didn’t have money to pay anyone and I’m not a handyman, but I watched a lot of YouTube videos,” Clark says. She replaced tiles in her kitchen and bathroom, installed insulation and put up some drywall. Yet damaged floors, bathroom fixtures and window casings remained untouched and unrepaired.

“Then I saw a flyer for ReBuild NC, applied, and was approved,” Clark says. In summer 2019, a contractor assigned to her home finished the tasks that had been waiting. “They fixed everything I expected them to and more,” she said. “They made sure my doorways were secure and replaced the baseboards. In less than a month, they were done.”

Clark was impressed by how much the contractor cared about her family and her home. “The crew made it wonderful for us,” she said. “They worked around my family’s schedule, and they made a huge effort to save parts of my house that were important to me.”

“Even if you’ve already done work on your own, having ReBuild NC come in to help you finish what’s left is a godsend,” she says. “There’s nothing like being able to get back to normalcy — to just feel like it’s your home again.”

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