Rena Locklear outside of her house

Rena Locklear
Maxton, NC

Maxton, NC – Some experiences can be too traumatic to remember in detail. For Rena Locklear, Hurricane Matthew was one of them. Her memories of the storm itself are blurry, but she remembers clearly the destruction left behind. “The water damage was the worst. It affected the whole house, from underneath to the roof,” she says. “After the storm, mold and mildew began growing in the walls.” Yet Locklear remained in her home, as she had nowhere else to live.

A friend suggested she contact ReBuild NC. “I filled out my application,” she says. “Next thing I know, they told me I was approved!” The house had been damaged beyond repair, so ReBuild NC assigned a contractor to demolish it and build a new one on the site.

To help her envision what her new home might look like, Locklear visited a model home before the contractor started. Once work began, it took only four months to complete. “When I finally saw my finished home, I was so pleased. Everyone who sees it loves it.”

Locklear is enjoying the layout of her new house, which is different from the old one. “My favorite part is the living room and kitchen because now they’re one space,” she says. “I love that big room because I can cook for my grandchildren and still be part of it all. It’s just wonderful.”

For Locklear, working with ReBuild NC and her contractor was easy. “I couldn’t have asked for better people,” she says. “I tell all my friends about the program. I say, ‘If you need help because Matthew hit your home, call ReBuild NC.’”

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