Vernestine Melton

Vernestine Melton
Windsor, NC

Windsor, NC – When Vernestine Melton heard Hurricane Matthew was on its way, she never expected her single-family home to flood. “Our area isn’t a declared flood zone,” she says. But that didn’t stop rushing storm water from leaking inside. “We got 18 inches in the laundry room, and it saturated our carpets throughout the house.” After the storm had passed, her floors started sinking. So Melton sought financial assistance to fix the damage.

While out driving one day, Melton saw a ReBuild NC sign and called the number listed. After learning more about the program, she decided to apply.  “I printed the application from the website, filled it in and brought it to a ReBuild NC Center. Everyone I met there helped me,” she says. “They answered all of my questions through the entire process.”

Once Melton’s home was approved for repairs, ReBuild NC selected a contractor for the job. “He was extremely professional and courteous, and he always let us know the schedule in advance,” she says. Work on Melton’s home began in March 2020 and by May, the project was done.

Now she has new laminate floors in her entry hallway, bedroom, living room and laundry room that she says are easier to clean. Melton no longer worries about her floors sinking, because ReBuild NC corrected structural damage, too.

“ReBuild NC is a blessing,” Melton says. “Hurricane Matthew caused financial hardships for people all over our state. But instead of having to abandon their properties or be out-of-pocket for repair costs, homeowners can stay in their homes. I encourage anyone who might be eligible to give them a call, like I did.”

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