Eligibility Review & Duplication Check
To qualify for assistance from the Homeowner Recovery Program, homeowners must meet all federal funding guidelines. This includes meeting eligibility requirements as well as completing the program’s Duplication of Benefits review. Both processes are outlined below.
Eligibility Review
Program staff may request the documentation and completed forms necessary to determine your program eligibility. The eligibility criteria for the Homeowner Recovery Program include, but are not limited to:
- Your home must have been damaged as a direct result of Hurricane Florence and/or Hurricane Matthew.
- You must have owned the damaged home at the time of the disaster (Hurricane Matthew on Oct. 8, 2016, and/or Hurricane Florence on Sept. 14, 2018), and you must currently own the home.
- You must have occupied the damaged home as a primary residence at the time of the disaster(s).
- You must be lawfully present in the United States.
- Individuals prohibited from receiving federal public benefits from the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Act may not receive assistance from ReBuild NC.
- Your current total household income must be at or below 150% of the Area Median Income (AMI) limit or demonstrate a hardshp as defined in the Homeowner Recovery Program Manual.
- The damaged home must be an eligible structure type and located in a disaster-declared county.
Duplication of Benefits
Federal funds used by the Homeowner Recovery Program are subject to requirements of the federal Robert T. Stafford Disaster Assistance and Emergency Relief Act, which prohibits any person, business or other entity from receiving federal financial assistance for any part of the loss resulting from a major disaster if that person has already received financial assistance from any other program, or from insurance or any other sources for the same loss. This means Homeowner Recovery Program participants may not receive funding from multiple sources to be used for the same purpose. If funds are received from multiple sources for the same purpose, there will be a duplication of benefits.
To ensure compliance with these federal regulations and avoid duplication of benefits, ReBuild NC considers the amount of disaster assistance homeowners receive from other sources when calculating the funding they may receive from the Homeowner Recovery Program. Other sources of assistance might include FEMA, SBA, private and NFIP insurance, and/or other sources.
Note: Receiving assistance from these other sources does not mean you are ineligible for ReBuild NC, but it may impact the amount of funding you qualify for.
For more information about these and other eligibility requirements, please view the Homeowner Recovery Program Manual (PDF). For more information about duplication of benefits and how it may affect your application, see the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ).
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