Topics Related to Homeowner Recovery Program

Maxton, NC – Hurricane Matthew did not spare any part of Venissa Locklear’s mobile home. “We lost shingles and vinyl siding,” she says. “Moisture got underneath the floors, causing them to cave in.

Lumberton, NC – What Hurricane Matthew did to Jeannette Santa Cruz Heredia’s double-wide mobile home still moves her to tears. “The whole place started shaking and then the roof split open down the middle. Water was pouring in, and there was no way to stop it,” she remembers.

Lumberton, NC – To Karine Harris, the pounding rain from Hurricane Matthew felt like an explosion on her house. “It hit the roof, broke off shingles and then came in fast,” she says. “I used a laundry basket to catch the water.

Fairmont, NC – Days after Hurricane Matthew had passed, water was still falling inside Doreen McNeill’s house. “During the storm, it poured in because shingles on the roof were torn off,” she says. “Then, because the ceilings got saturated, it continued to leak.

Fairmont, NC – When flowing water from Hurricane Matthew caused a hole in the floor of Brenda Moore’s mobile home, she was shocked. “I could see straight through to the ground,” she says. “The only fix I could afford was a piece of plywood, so that’s what I put over it.”

Rowland, NC – Betty Boyd has survived her share of storms, including hurricanes Hazel and Andrew. But Hurricane Matthew was different. “I can’t say I’ve ever been through a storm quite like that,” says Boyd.

New Bern, NC – Mary C. Campbell moved into her house in 1989 and, from the start, poured love and hard work into making it a home. But decades later, Hurricane Matthew passed through town, badly damaging the beloved family home she had built.

Whiteville, NC – Christmas 2019 is one holiday Sandra Settle will always remember. For the first time since October of that year, she and her family slept in their own house. “Waking up Christmas morning at home was phenomenal,” she says.

Rowland, NC – For 63 years, Frezelle Herring lived in the same house. It took Hurricane Matthew to force her out. It took ReBuild NC to bring her back home.

Lumberton, NC – For nearly 20 years, D.S. lived comfortably in her two-bedroom home. But when Hurricane Matthew came through, the storm brought rain and flooding that damaged the structure beyond repair.